Tokyo trip for HIGH5

It's nice to see favorite creators and graphic designers show. Its like a moment of waiting for the dinner when you so hungry.

I went to see the talk show HIGH5 to Oosanbasi Hall in Yokohama.

Speakers 丹下鉱希、Nam、川上俊 (Artless)、Qubibi、W+K Tokyo (+CRUZ)、Stefan Sagmeister are on the stage with projector and screen.

I like Stefan Sagmeister's work so much. Even more after this show. He is totally touching heart.
And my most curious word was "UNITED ASIA" by + CRUZ from W+K Tokyo. I wanna work with him one day in the future.

I also knew so many good stories from other speakers.
Superior visual communication works can change the world better and healthier. I believe so.

Don't waste your time for crappy works. use our time smartly for the people next to you and to the world. anything is connected each other.

The day before this show, I went to DAIKAN-YAMA to see MOSHINO KATSURA exhibition.
He is from and based in Nagoya. Where I am based.
I like his works.

Nike's commercial works are super cool. I couldn't find URBAN ATTACK in internet.
