ULTRA art fair at Spiral Aoyama was very successful. I appreciate all of you came to the fair. Thank you for supporting me as always.
I made highlight of the fair, please have a look.
Any inquiry about these art pieces or any question, please feel free to contact to contact@yohnagao.com
Again, thank you for your support!!!
ULTRA art fair at Spiral Aoyama was very successful. I appreciate all of you came to the fair. Thank you for supporting me as always.
I made highlight of the fair, please have a look.
Any inquiry about these art pieces or any question, please feel free to contact to contact@yohnagao.com
one day before of the fair. all the pieces were ready to go to tokyo. |
setting up in progress |
my pieces were done in 1 hour! team work won! |
at the entrance of the venue in Spiral Aoyama |
Open! |
Me in the middle / photo by Sudi http://www.sudi.jp/ http://sudi.exblog.jp/ |
会場はとても多くの人で賑わってました。 |
今回お世話になったemigre collectionのKirikuさん(右側) Director of my wall, Kiriku in the right from emigre collection http://www.emigre.jp/collection/ |
Again, thank you for your support!!!
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Yoh is looking for galleries, agents, productions or curators from all around the world to establish trusting and highly-motivating partnerships with, and extend his field of work further.
お仕事のご用命、寄稿やコラボレーションのリクエスト、ご質問などはEメールにてお気軽にお問い合わせください。 只今、今後の仕事と活動の幅を広げる為、信頼でき末永くお付き合いのできるパートナー様(ギャラリー、エージェント、プロダクション、キュレーター)を探しております。