I'm grateful all your support in 2013, so I'd love you to have my new year's card. Please join this little project if you like Here is simple process to receive the card in your mailbox.
I'm having same thing on FB. but I'd like to get to know more people all over the world. so I will send the card another 20 people from this blog.
Yoh Nagao FB fan page http://t.co/ETJEyCtudF
Please send me your postal address via FB, Tumblr or Twitter.
Thank you for supporting me as always! Have a good holiday season!
I'm having same thing on FB. but I'd like to get to know more people all over the world. so I will send the card another 20 people from this blog.
Yoh Nagao FB fan page http://t.co/ETJEyCtudF
Please send me your postal address via FB, Tumblr or Twitter.
Thank you for supporting me as always! Have a good holiday season!
Follow Yoh at
Yoh is looking for galleries, agents, productions or curators from all around the world to establish trusting and highly-motivating partnerships with, and extend his field of work further.
お仕事のご用命、寄稿やコラボレーションのリクエスト、ご質問などはEメールにてお気軽にお問い合わせください。 只今、今後の仕事と活動の幅を広げる為、信頼でき末永くお付き合いのできるパートナー様(ギャラリー、エージェント、プロダクション、キュレーター)を探しております。