長尾ヨウからの大総括2019!今年も大変お世話になりました!Greetings from Yoh 2019🔥 in English and Japanese

2019 is going to be over, sad or not, 2020 is right there.
I have made many different type of arts through many encountering in this year.

In Studio with Thunder

2月はSt+Art India Foudationと日本財団の招待で、インド・デリにあるロディ・アートディストリクトでの壁画制作、インスタレーションに始まり、
In February, I made my large mural in India Delhi and art installation in Lodhi Art District which is  organized by St+Art India Foundation and supported by Japan Foundation in India.

Lodhi Art District on Google Map

Room Art Installation at KONA
Afterwards in May, I made first ever US solo-exhibition at Mirus Gallery in San Francisco in US. Thank you so much for coming!!

YOH NAGAO "Genealogy" Solo Exhibition at Mirus Gallery from Mirus Gallery on Vimeo.

その後5月にはサンフランシスコにあるアートギャラリー Mirus Galleryでのアメリカ初個展を開催しました。

そして夏にはZIP-FMラジオナビゲーター小林拓一郎ことコバタクが経営するPharmacy Coffee standの壁画、そしてコバタク自身へのスーパースペシャルなコミッション作品"Universe in The Paint"の制作、そしてトークショーへも開いてもらいました。

In the summer time, I have made very special commission work "Universe in The Paint" for Takuichiro Kobayashi aka Kobataku from ZIP-FM radio station in my home town Nagoya, Japan as well as mural work for his new open coffee stand Pharmacy Coffee stand.

My first ever made completely public and open air mural in Japan has been registered as official sightseeing spot on GoogleMap recently,

also picked up for Ise Shima Days magazine vol.2


Also I have written first ever essay for the monthly magazine publishing by National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka, Japan.



I have gotten support from 5 assistants inside and outside of studio in Japan.
Really grateful to have such many of accomplishments.


I'm gonna keep on working on pursuing what I want to create with being more powerful and egoistic, but also humble in 2020. Pls keep on following what I'm pursuing in the art field.
Also always welcoming to have commission offer of private or public as well as collaboration with brand and enterprise from all over the world.



2020 Calendar is available for overseas here!


Arigato so much 🙏🙏🙏

長尾ヨウをフォローしよう!Follow Yoh Nagao!
